

13.08.2023 - Civic Cities: Nachrichten/Narrative/Aufmerksamkeit

Civic City: Participation, Politics & the Arts of Cohabitation

02: Nachrichten/Narrative/Aufmerksamkeit


Dammweg 216
12057 Berlin 
S 45/46 Köllnische Heide / Plänterwald

GÄSTE /GUESTS Anna Homann (Ukrainische Künstlerin & Filmproduzentin);  Hossam Aldeen (Syrisch-Deutscher Journalist)
MUSIK/MUSIC Louay Kanawati

Die zweite Folge, Nachrichten/Narrative/Aufmerksamkeit, befasst sich mit der Frage, wie wir in der heutigen hyper-mediatisierten Umgebung relevante Informationen finden und filtern. Sie befasst sich mit den Veränderungen bei der Informationsbeschaffung in den letzten 20 Jahren, mit den Quellen, auf die sich die Menschen bei der Information über öffentliche Projekte verlassen, und mit der Polarisierung der Stimmen in der Medienlandschaft. Die Folge untersucht auch den Einfluss von Informationen auf die öffentliche Meinungsbildung und die sich verändernde Rolle des einzelnen Informationskonsumenten.

The second episode, News/Narratives/Attention focuses on how we find and filter relevant information in today's hyper-mediatised environment. It delves into the changes in acquiring information over the past 20 years, the sources people rely on for information about public projects, and the polarization of voices in the media landscape. The episode also investigates the influence of information on shaping public opinion and the evolving role of individual consumers of information.


Houssam Aldeen has contributed to the production of films and documentaries for organizations such as DOCDAYS Productions GmbH, ZDF, Deutsche Welle, ARD, WDR, and NDR. He has worked as a coordinator at Schlesische27 e.V., Coop campus, and MSF in Syria/Turkey facilitating communication between participants and organizers. He is the founder of Salam e.V., and engaged in activities at the Danish Institute in Damascus. Furthermore, his teaching experience as an Arabic teacher for non-native learners at the Dutch and French Institute in Damascus highlights his dedication to sharing knowledge and promoting cultural exchange. Lastly, his role as an advisor for Iraqi refugees at the SEEDS organization exemplifies his commitment to assisting others in starting a new life abroad.

Anna Homan is an Ukrainian artist. She studied film directing in National Kyiv University of Karpenko-Karoho. Since last February she explores Berlin art scene and creates works that are connected to Ukrainian topics and culture. Now Anna is developing a documentary movie about her four friends in Kyiv, which life completely changed  since russian invasion. 



Louay Kanawati is a Syrian guitarist known for his experimental and ambient music compositions imbued with distinct oriental scales. He creatively employs guitar effects and loopers to craft unique soundscapes with various musical ensembles, including The Last Postman, Smokey Negata, Bahila & Lulu, and others. Louay also composes soundtracks for films.



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