MOSHABAK NIGHTS - The Eighth Night -


Nawras invites you for the eighth evening of the Moshabak Nights - a series of monthly cultural events that gathers Syrian, Arabic-speaking, German and international artists to present their work. Each evening different Syrian artists are introduced and a meeting point is created with other international artists, culture producers and activists, as well as the hosting community.

Artists featured: Ziad Adwan (Author, Director), Lava Musallam (Concert)

يهدف مشروع )ليالي مشبّك( إلى تنظيم لقاءات دورية وفعاليات اجتماعية، ثقافية، وفنية، تهدف إلى خلق فرصة لقاء وحوار بين الفنان .السوري والفنان السوري من جهة، وبينه وبين الشريك الألماني )ممول، منتج، متلقي( من جهة أخرى وذلك من خلال أمسية فنية ولقاء شهري يكون منصة لتقديم مواهب فنية سورية/عربية/ ألمانية، وفي الوقت ذاته فرصة لقاء للفنان السوري بالمجتمع المضيف

Nawras lädt zum achten Abend der Moshabak Nights: einer Serie von monatlichen Begegnungen zwischen syrischen, arabischsprachigen, deutschen und internationalen Künstler*innen, Kulturschaffenden, Aktivisten und dem Publikum, in der die Arbeit und ausgewählte Werke von syrischen Künstlern präsentiert und diskutiert werden. Diesmal: Ziad Adwan (Autor, Regisseur), Lava Musallam (Konzert)

Nawras is a non-profit organization in Berlin founded in 2017 that seeks to ensure the continuity of Syrian art and culture. It supports Syrian artists in Germany by creating opportunities and facilitating partnerships in an open and welcoming environment that helps artists to pursue their works both independently and interactively with its surrounding.

As an independent cultural foundation, Nawras believes in facing the changes and challenges of the contemporary time and place by upholding art and culture as a basic human right as well as a powerful means for dialog. From this notion, Nawras works in various ways within Germany sustaining this belief.

Team: Mudar Alhaggi, Fadwa Merkhan, Athil Hamdan, Supported by: Abbara Program- Culture Resource, tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg

Free entry - donations welcome


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